If you find yourself feeling lost, unfocused and anxious about the present or future, Intuition work can be life changing.

We are born with a strong instinctual and empathetic connection to ourselves, to others and to the world, and it is there to keep us on a safe journey through life that is true to ourselves. However, over time, we lose that knowing due to many types of strong outside influences and personal experiences. Through Intuitive Coaching, it is possible to regain that sense of intuitive understanding that can fill us with a sense of purpose, peace, contentment, self-esteem and trust.

In private Intuitive Coaching sessions, we combine sharing and storytelling, with music, movement and Intuitive Archery.

I will hold space for you as you re-discover the sound of the voice of your own Intuition, so you can follow it to a deep well of wisdom, relaxation, love for yourself, and unlimited opportunities for joy and success in your own personal journey.

Meghan T Hindi, MCLC

Archer and Author, The Healing You Can Do

VIRTUAL sessions are also offered on an affordable sliding scale, so you can receive the same support and empowerment from the comfort of your own home. Email me at wildishway.rebirth@gmail.com to request a virtual appointment.

I am so ready for this.

To get started with Wildish Way Intuitive Coaching, just fill out this contact form or send me an email.

(201) 815-8172